Sunday, April 15, 2007


I just got back from a trip to Chicago and the South Bend area of Indiana. I am in a leadership position for our fellowship of churches and we had some meetings last week at Bethel College, our denominational school. The unique thing about this trip was that I took my daughter with me. I wanted her to check out our college as a possibility for her in a few years. We had a great time together and she really enjoyed the school.

I must say while we were there I was struck hard by the fact that my little girl was checking out a college. Where did the time go? Isn't she just 7...or is it 8? No, she learning to drive and thinking about college. As a parent it makes me very aware of the time I have left before she starts following her own path...without me. The time is going by so fast. I hope I have made the most of it.

As I look ahead to the next few years I am very aware that life is made up of days; I don't want to waste a single one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Sean, I'm feeling the same way these days. Isaiah is now 11 and I continue to do my best to make the most of every day I have him under my roof. I just turned 49 and I'm keenly aware how quickly time passes. I can't believe that it's been 7 years since I've spoken to you last. I saw your brother Mike play a polo match the other day on TV and I thought about you -- I miss the good times and I regret the bad, but I do pray that somehow we can reconnect.

In Christ,
Scott Sefton