Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Great Adventure!

The other day, my son, Ryan, and I were talking about the emptiness of self-indulgence. What got us on the topic was our common love of good adventure stories and his comment that real life doesn’t seem to afford the opportunity for great adventures. I told him that’s because great adventures are always about pursuing something greater than self and most of us never go beyond that point. There’s no adventure really in meeting your own needs. And there is certainly no faith required in serving yourself.

One of the great ways to stretch our “faith wings” is to find a way to serve a need bigger than our own. You can start small by finding someone around you who has a need and meeting it. The less their ability to pay you back, the better! As you begin to serve outside yourself don’t be surprised if God doesn’t begin to give you a vision…maybe even a big one! A big vision and the faith to pursue it are all that’s required for a life of adventure!

We’re not talking about faith just to hear ourselves talk! We want to change our world! There is so much need around us and God wants to use us to make a difference! Let us know what God shows you as you step out in faith and begin to serve. We’d love to hear your stories.


Anonymous said...

I've often heard people say that "God pointed them" in a certain direction...or "that's what God showed me."

And though I'm 34 years old now and was raised in a religious home, I never knew what that meant. I went to Sunday school and attended church for years, but once I became an adult, I fell away and quite frankly questioned everything I had learned.

About two months ago, my wife and I were searching - searching for the God we once knew. Thankfully, some great folks at RCCC/NB were placed in front of us - and I think FINALLY God was telling us something - and we listened.

We haven't missed a service fact by Wednesday we hunger for Sunday.

Thanks to everyone who helped us see what God was showing us.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful topic: Our faith walk as a believer is our offering of self-abasment upon God's alter for Him glory. It reminded me as I read it of the scripture when David was brought a drink from the well near Bethlehem (2 Samuel 23:15-17). After his might men brought him the water that may have cost them there lives he poured out the water upon the ground as an offering unto the Lord. Faith looks like that to me.

As I think about the new vision for River City and all the planning that must take place I find myself just asking God to give me big faith to be able to be like those might men in David's army that were willing to go behind the enemy's lines to get water.

God help me see your vision and act upon it.