Friday, April 14, 2006

What matters most

I find it a constant struggle to remember what matters most. You would think in my job I could keep it straight! As a minister, I regularly remind people of the eternal and the lasting. Even as I'm pointing the way for others, I am constantly tempted to focus on things that won't matter in a year, let alone a hundred. Not that things like details and deadlines don't matter at all...they just aren't what matters most. Jesus put it simply..."The most important thing is love, for God and one another"

Relationships are what matter most. The Spirit inside you and that person beside you are more important than the task before you. God help us if we sacrife what matters most for...whatever.

1 comment:

Jason Powers said...

You're a blogger... you're so hip. Great thoughts. I appreciate'cha. Can I link to your blog from my blog?