Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another thing that has me fired up is that I will be joined by 4 other teachers for this series. We'll be team teaching the series which will be very cool. I look forward to hearing what the Lord is going to say to us!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
See the Impossible!
For the last few years, our elders have prayed about our obvious space constraints, looking for the Lords provision and direction. In giving us the opportunity to purchase the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, we believe that God has provided us with an opportunity like we’ve never seen before! The time to respond is now!
Our campaign is called See the Impossible and it is about far more than providing much needed facilities! It is about creating a ministry center for the entire region! Can you see thousands of lives changed as people discover the miraculous power of the gospel? Can you see those thousands of disciples reaching their neighborhoods, feeding the poor, declaring the hope of the gospel to our city and around the world? God’s vision is a lot bigger than a property, but it takes property to launch that kind of work and He has provided a place beyond our wildest dreams 8 minutes down the road!
See the Impossible is about our response. God want us to step out in faith and see Him provide! It will take focus, obedience, and sacrifice on all of our parts. The good new is that See the Impossible is not just an invitation to the church corporately, but individually as well! I believe that some of the best testimonies will be the stories of what God does for individuals and families as we sacrificially step out in faith!
What we are about to do is much bigger than any one of us. In fact, it’s actually much bigger than all of us. This is a God sized vision! We have the opportunity to do something that will change the world! Please, join me in prayer and partnership as we line up to See the Impossible!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Great Adventure!
The other day, my son, Ryan, and I were talking about the emptiness of self-indulgence. What got us on the topic was our common love of good adventure stories and his comment that real life doesn’t seem to afford the opportunity for great adventures. I told him that’s because great adventures are always about pursuing something greater than self and most of us never go beyond that point. There’s no adventure really in meeting your own needs. And there is certainly no faith required in serving yourself.
One of the great ways to stretch our “faith wings” is to find a way to serve a need bigger than our own. You can start small by finding someone around you who has a need and meeting it. The less their ability to pay you back, the better! As you begin to serve outside yourself don’t be surprised if God doesn’t begin to give you a vision…maybe even a big one! A big vision and the faith to pursue it are all that’s required for a life of adventure!
We’re not talking about faith just to hear ourselves talk! We want to change our world! There is so much need around us and God wants to use us to make a difference! Let us know what God shows you as you step out in faith and begin to serve. We’d love to hear your stories.