Sunday, March 23, 2008


This coming weekend, at River City Community Church, we will begin a discussion about Money. The series is called "Money Talks - hopeful conversations for stressful times." Of course, there are those who believe you should never talk about money in “polite company” or in the church. Unfortunately God didn’t get the memo when inspiring the scriptures! The bible talks a lot about money, which is really good because it’s on everyone’s mind these days.

I want to suggest that one of the best things we can do to grow in our faith is to embrace a biblical philosophy in regards to finances. Consider how much of our lives are impacted by money. No wonder it is so near and dear to our heart! It’s hard to have a conversation about our goals, dreams, security, or future without it somehow touching on the subject of money. I want to suggest that if we can trust God in the area of provision and finances, a whole lot of other things begin to fall into place.

My hope is that we would let God give us a financial overhaul during these conversations. Approach this topic expecting to have your cultural programming and practices challenged. You won’t be disappointed.

Grace and Peace,

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