What if we decided not to waste another year? We are given a limited number, you know. Seventy some is the average, with a few getting a bit more and some not even getting that many. When you think of it in these terms, we don’t have time to squander on trivial things. Trivial things are things that don’t last long…like happy meal toys, which don’t usually even make it all the way home from McDonalds. Everything else just goes up in importance from there based on how long it lasts.
People last forever…they have eternal souls that will live on into eternity. They are really worth the investment of our time.
God is not only eternal in that He has no end, but (brace your brain) no beginning. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Communing with Him is the most important thing we can ever do.
So…somewhere between happy meal toys and the Almighty falls everything else in the world.