Friday, August 24, 2007


My kids started school this week. Where did the summer go?

This was a big one for us. A woman very close to me (who shall remain nameless) turned 40, we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary, and our daughter is turning 16. This has been a summer of significant milestones in our family. It all went by so fast...I hope I took enough time to appreciate each milestone.

Milestones are supposed to be an opportunity to pause, remember, and reflect. Sometimes I'm afraid that our frantic pace has broken the pause switch on our life's remote control. This can be tragic; because as I pause at these milestones I am overwhelmed by a flood of thanksgiving. I've had the privilege of watching the "growing up" of a great woman (who shall remain nameless). I've been blessed with 20 wonderful years of marriage. Our little girl is becoming an extraordinary, beautiful, young woman.

God is very good...and I am very thankful.

Let's hear it for milestones!